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BASF and LetterOne sign letter of intent to merge their oil and gas subsidiaries Wintershall and DEA, by chemwinfo

BASF and LetterOne sign letter of intent to merge their oil and gas subsidiaries Wintershall and DEA, by chemwinfo

7 December 2017





BASF and LetterOne

signed a letter of intent today to merge

their respective oil and gas businesses in a joint venture,

which would operate under the name

Wintershall DEA.

The oil and gas business of BASF

is bundled in the Wintershall Group

consisting of Wintershall Holding GmbH and its subsidiaries,

including the gas transportation business.

The oil and gas business of LetterOne

comprises DEA Deutsche Erdöl AG and its subsidiaries.

By combining these two German-based entities,

their parent companies strive t

* create a basis for further profitable growth,

* optimize the portfolio footprint of the combined business

* and realize synergies.

Wintershall DEA would have significant growth potential

and be one of the largest independent

European exploration and production companies.

In the medium term, BASF and LetterOne

envisage to list Wintershall DEA through an initial public offering.

It is intended to form Wintershall DEA

by LetterOne contributing all its shares

in DEA Deutsche Erdöl AG into Wintershall

against issuance of new shares to LetterOne.

Based on the valuation of the exploration and production businesses,

BASF shall initially hold 67%

and LetterOne shall hold 33% in Wintershall DEA.

In this shareholding ratio, Wintershall’s gas transportation business

is not accounted for.

As of closing, Wintershall DEA shall issue

a mandatory convertible bond to BASF

reflecting the value of Wintershall’s gas transportation business.

No later than 36 months after closing, this bond

shall be converted into new shares in Wintershall DEA,

resulting in a higher shareholding ratio for BASF.

In 2016, the combined business had

* pro-forma sales of €4.3 billion,

* EBITDA of €2.2 billion and

* net income of €326 million.

Overall, production volumes of Wintershall and DEA amounted to

* 215 million barrels of oil equivalent (BOE) in 2016,

* this equals a production of around 590,000 BOE per day.

* Based on proven reserves (1P) of 2.1 billion BOE

   at the end of 2016,

* the reserve to production ratio of the combined business

  would be around 10 years.



Contact BASF SE

Jens Fey

Head of Media Relations
+49 621 60-99123

Dr. Stefanie Wettberg

Senior Vice President Investor Relations
+49 621 60-48002


Tags : BASF  LetterOne  sign  letter of intent  to  merge  oil  and  gas  businesses  subsidiaries  Wintershall  and  DEA  JV  operating  under  the  name  Wintershall DEA  by  chemwinfo


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