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Evonik plans new polyamide 12 complex in Marl, Germany, by chemwinfo

Evonik plans new polyamide 12 complex in Marl, Germany, by chemwinfo

14 March 2018



Evonik is one of the world's largest producers of polyamide 12 (PA 12),

which it markets as VESTAMID® L.

We benefit here from backward-integrated production:

From butadiene as the starting material Evonik produces


the monomer for PA12, in a multi-stage process. 



  • Evonik's largest investment in Germany

  • Targeted strengthening of
    the Resource Efficiency growth segment

  • Strong growth for high-performance
    polymer polyamide 12
    in the automotive sector, the oil and gas industry,
    and 3D printing

Evonik is planning to build a new production complex

for the high-performance polymer polyamide 12 (PA 12).

The Group intends to increase

its overall PA 12 capacity by more than 50 percent.

After successful basic engineering, Evonik plans

to invest approximately €400 million

in the PA 12 complex at its largest site,

Marl Chemical Park in North Rhine-Westphalia.

Part of the PA12 production complex in Marl 

The existing PA 12 production is to be supplemented

with additional manufacturing facilities

for the polymer and its precursors.

The complex is expected

to become operational in early 2021.

The investment will make a substantial contribution

to reaching Evonik’s margin goal

and will generate

an annual cash flow in a three-digit million euro amount

over the long term.

The project is to be implemented over the course

of four years as part of

the annual budget for growth investments. 

Polyamide 12 is required in attractive growth markets

such as

* the automotive industry,

* oil and gas pipelines, and in 

*  3D printing.

Thanks to its outstanding properties, such as

* high stability paired with flexibility,

* high temperature resistance and low weight,

the high-performance polymer is used in

many demanding applications as a replacement for steel:

in automotive and lightweight design as well as

in oil and gas pipelines.

In addition to current applications in the automotive sector,

Evonik is also very well positioned

for the future production of hybrid and electric vehicles.

Furthermore, the material is used

in the medical sector and in 3D printing. 

Christian Kullmann,

Chairman of the Evonik Executive Board

“We are planning Evonik’s largest investment in Germany,”

“This investment is a perfect fit to

 our strategy of consistent focus on specialty chemicals

 since polyamide 12, as a high-performance polymer

 for specialty applications, is an important part of

 our strategic Growth Engine Smart Materials.”

 Kullmann considers Germany an attractive

 and competitive industrial location:

“Our workforce in Marl is highly qualified, and our investment

 will create about 150 jobs. Moreover,

 we can make optimal use of synergies

 with our existing infrastructure.

 That creates highly favorable conditions

 to sell our specialty products on a global scale.” 

Claus Rettig,

Chairman of the Board of

Management of Evonik Resource Efficiency GmbH

The PA 12 market is posting

annual growth rates exceeding 5 percent worldwide,

significantly outpacing the global gross domestic product.

In the specialty application of 3D printing,

growth rates even reach double digits.

“The demand for polyamide 12 is showing

steady, dynamic growth,"

“The planned capacity expansion will further strengthen

 our leading market position for polyamide 12.

 For our customers worldwide, our commitment translates

 into long-term availability and reliability of supply

 for their existing and future applications."



Tags : Evonik plans  new  polyamide  12  PA 12  complex  in Marl  Germany  PA 12  in  automotive lightweight  design  oil  and  gas  pipelines 3D printing by  chemwinfo


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