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World Chemical News, July 2020, by chemwinfo

World Chemical News,  July 2020, by chemwinfo

World Chemical News,  July 2020, by chemwinfo

28 July 2020

Kingdom of Thailand

Long Live the King

On the Auspicious Occation of

The Birthday Anniversary of

His Majesty The King Maha Vajiralonkorn


28 July 2020

BASF calculates CO2 footprint of all sales products

◼ BASF as the first chemical company with

   transparent emission data

   for the entire portfolio of approximately 45,000 products

◼ Data from the BASF Verbund

   and a new digital application

   help BASF customers to better measure and reduce

   their own CO2 footprint

   of their activities and end products

◼ Already today, BASF offers customers products

   with reduced carbon footprint based

   on renewable or recycled raw materials

   according to the mass balance approach

Read more

23 July 2020


SIKA first half of 2020

• Sales growth of 2.9% in local currencies

   to CHF 3,614.6 million (–3.2% in CHF)

• High negative currency effect of –6.1%

   (impact of minus CHF 225 million in sales

   and CHF 29 million in EBIT)

• Maintained high EBITDA margin of over 16%

  (currency adjusted absolute EBITDA was flat)

• Operating profit (EBIT) at CHF 410.2 million (–14.8%)

• Increased operating free cash flow amounting

   to CHF 254.7 million (+41.7%)

• Closing of acquisition of Adeplast (Romania),

   takeover of Modern Waterproofing Group (Egypt),

   and buildup of a new factory in Barranquilla (Colombia)

• Outlook for the second half of the year:

   Sika is expecting more favorable market conditions.

   With the anticipated improvement in sales volumes,

   the company expects

   an over-proportional EBIT increase

   for the second half of the year

• Confirmation of 2023 strategic targets

   for sustainable, profitable growth

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21 July 2020

LyondellBasell (NYSE: LYB),

the world’s largest licensor of polyolen technologies, 

today announced that

Quanzhou Grand Pacic Chemical Co. Ltd. (QGPC),

a fully owned Chinese subsidiary of

Grand Pacic Petrochemical Corporation (GPPC)

of Taiwan,

will use the LyondellBasell Spheripol technology

for a new facility. 

The process technology will be used for

a 450 KTA polypropylene plant

to be built in Quanzhou, P.R. China.

Read more


17 July 2020

>>Hummingbird® ethanol-to-ethylene technology

TechnipFMC announces that its proprietary

Hummingbird® ethanol-to-ethylene technology

has been selected by LanzaTech Inc.

for a key application which, when combined with

LanzaTech’s Alcohol-to-Jet (ATJ) technology,

can be used to manufacture

sustainable aviation fuel (SAF)

using ethanol as raw material.

LanzaTech’s spin off

sustainable aviation fuel company,


is the exclusive licensor of

the LanzaTech ATJ technology.

For TechnipFMC, this is

the first commercial-scale application

of the Hummingbird® sustainable

ethanol-to-ethylene technology.

TechnipFMC’s Hummingbird®

is a leading technology

based on a simple low-cost process

for dehydrating ethanol to ethylene.

A key aspect of this advanced technology

is its proprietary catalyst resulting in

a lower temperature, higher pressure,

and more selective process compared to

traditional ethanol dehydration processes

that use alumina-based catalysts..

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Annette Morgan
TechnipFMC Process Technology
Tel: +1 281-249-2475

16 July 2020

Clariant announced today a second contract win

for its CATOFIN catalysts with

Dongguan Grand Resource Technology (DGR)

in Dongguan, China.

The company based its decision on

the successful startup of its

600 KTA CATOFIN propane dehydrogenation (PDH) unit

in October 2019.

Together, both PDH units will represent

1.2 million metric tons annually

of additional annual propylene capacity.

Since 2017, CATOFIN Technology has now been

selected for a majority of new PDH awards globally,

representing 22 new PDH plants,

or more than 15 million metric tons

of propylene annually.

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Stefanie Nehlsen

Stefanie Nehlsen
Global Trade Media Relations
+41 61 469 63 63

Clariant Logo

15 July 2020

thyssenkrupp and BASF have signed

a joint development agreement

to expand their cooperation on the STAR process .

This proprietary dehydrogenation process

from thyssenkrupp produces

propylene from propane feedstocks,

or iso-butylene from iso-butane feedstocks,

using an exceptionally stable catalyst.

thyssenkrupp, focusing on process development, and

BASF, focusing on catalyst development,

together aim to significantly increase

the resource and energy efficiency of the process

through targeted improvements

in catalyst and plant design.

Plant operators can benefit from lower investment

and operating costs as well as

lower CO emissions in the future..

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13 July 2020

World’s largest green hydrogen project will use

Haldor Topsoe ammonia technology

A $5 billion dollar green hydrogen production facility

to be sited in NEOM, Saudi Arabia,

will include Topsoe’s proven ammonia technology.

The planned green ammonia loop will be

the world’s largest on a par with

the Gulf Coast Ammonia facility to be built

in Texas, US, which will also use

Topsoe ammonia technology.

The NEOM project to produce

650 tons per day of carbon-free hydrogen

to power buses and trucks around the world

is equally owned by partners

Air Products, ACWA Power, and NEOM. 

Air Products will be the exclusive off-taker

of the green ammonia and intends to

transport it around the world

to be dissociated to produce carbon-free hydrogen

for the transportation market.

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12 July 2020

Polyamide nanofiber nonwoven fabric product profile

Polyamide nanofiber nonwoven fabric data sheet

Ascend Performance Materials announced today

it has submitted to

the U.S. Food and Drug Administration

a 510(k) premarket notification for clearance

to market its Acteev technology

in a pair of high-efficacy surgical masks

to protect against SARS-CoV-2,

the cause of COVID-19.

The masks, a nanofiber and

a microfiber nonwoven version

each branded under

the Acteev Biodefend line

for medical devices, deliver

a one-two punch of antiviral properties

plus top-level barrier protection against

microbes, harmful airborne particles and fluid splatte.

Acteev masks, however, achieve antiviral effectiveness

through active zinc ions embedded within

the polymer structure of polyamide 66,

a hygroscopic nylon material

whose equilibrium moisture keeps the zinc ions active.

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9 July 2020

A Solvay facility in the Netherlands plans

to generate its own green energy

Solvay’s plant in Linne Herten,

in the southeastern corner of the Netherlands,

a stone’s throw from the German and Belgian borders,

produces mostly peroxide-based disinfectants

and a catalyst AQ.

Dutch solar system installer KiesZon was selected.

The next steps (securing a building permit and subsidies

from Dutch authorities and drafting long-term contracts

for land lease and electricity supply) were successively

carried out, and early 2020,

the first of 22,300 solar panels were installed.

In August, Linne Herten’s 6,500 MWh solar farm

will be fully operational, providing

40% of the plant’s electricity needs and

reducing its energy-related C02 emissions

by approximately 17%.

This is Solvay’s second solar power project in Europe,

the other one being at a quarry in Walcourt

in neighboring Belgium.

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7 July 2020

BASF invests in next-generation farming

for livestock producers with

Cloudfarms’ digital platform solution.

BASF acquired Cloudfarms,

a software company for livestock farm management,

traceability and precision farming

with focus on pig production.

Cloudfarms’ livestock farm management solution

enables producers around the world

to continuously improve the efficiency and productivity

of complex farming operations.

With the livestock farm management system

from Cloudfarms, producers can manage, track

and analyze their production data

from daily operations in real-time.

Deriving insights with digital solutions

by connecting and analyzing data

across the value chain helps to increase efficiency,

animal vitality and sustainability.

The quest to increase food availability

to feed a growing world population

and optimize resource use is a responsibility

that calls for immediate action.

Digital transformation in livestock production

contributes to the growing demand f

or safe and nutritious food at affordable prices,

while increasing profitability

for farmers and reducing environmental impacts.

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For more information please contact:

David Möller


Mobile: +421 908 432 501


Cloudfarms AS
Klariská 14
811 03 Bratislava, Slovakia

Identification Number (IČO): 47 068 370
Tax number (DIČ): 2023727849
VAT Tax ID (IČ-DPH): SK2023727849
Business Register entry: 87986/B

Phone:  +421 905 998 945
LinkedIn:  LinkedIn
Twitter:  Twitter

2 July  2020

Clariant and Duslo’s research institute VUCHT

are transforming waste into wealth.

Using a proprietary technique and

Clariant’s HYDEX E

next-generation hydro-dewaxing catalyst,

VUCHT has successfully converted

plastic waste into premium winter fuel distillate.

The efficacy of this groundbreaking process

has now been proven in a pilot plant in Slovakia.

VUCHT is part of Duslo,

a major Slovak producer of fertilizers,

specialty nitrogen compounds, and rubber chemicals.

The institute uses a pyrolysis process

to convert a variety of plastic waste collected

in the country (such as

polyethylene, polystyrene, polypropylene and PET)

into diesel fuel.

The process thermally degrades

the plastic at temperatures above 300°C (530°F),

converting it into liquid oil comprised

of various hydrocarbon compounds.

Recently, the institute developed

a proprietary technique to further convert

the liquid oil into a high-quality fuel distillate

known as winter diesel.

The winter diesel produced is compliant with

Euro 6 fuel emission standards,

including cold flow properties specified

for temperatures as low as -30°F (-34°C),

typically required in arctic areas.

To achieve this extreme improvement in cold flow,

Clariant’s HYDEX E hydro-dewaxing catalyst

was applied.

After intensive pilot testing proved

the technical viability and economic appeal of the process,

VUCHT is planning to expand

the method’s success in

a custom-built demonstration plant with

a fuel distillate capacity of 40 metric tons per annum


Read more

Stefanie Nehlsen

Stefanie Nehlsen
Global Trade Media Relations
+41 61 469 63 63

Clariant Logo

2 July 2020

Read more







July 2020


  • A $5 billion dollar green hydrogen production facility to be sited in NEOM, Saudi Arabia, will include Topsoe’s proven ammonia technology.
  • The planned green ammonia loop will be the world’s largest on a par with the Gulf Coast Ammonia facility to be built in Texas, US, which will also use Topsoe ammonia technology.
  • The NEOM project to produce 650 tons per day of carbon-free hydrogen to power buses and trucks around the world is equally owned by partners Air Products, ACWA Power, and NEOM. Air Products will be the exclusive off-taker of the green ammonia and intends to transport it around the world to be dissociated to produce carbon-free hydrogen for the transportation market.

Tags : World  Chemical  News  July  2020  by  chemwinfo


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พื้นที่โฆษณา  โทร. 08-3199-2888

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พื้นที่โฆษณา  โทร. 08-3199-2888

Ads R10, Xanthan gum boxes Lucky Star 2018
