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Saudi Aramco and Sabic sign head of agreement for feasibility study on crude oil-to-chemicals complex in Saudi Arabia_by chemwinfo

Saudi Aramco and Sabic sign head of agreement for feasibility study on crude oil-to-chemicals complex in Saudi Arabia_by chemwinfo

28 June 2016




Saudi Aramco and

Saudi Arabian Basic Industries Corporation (SABIC)

have signed heads of agreement

to conduct a feasibility study on the development of

a fully integrated crude oil-to-chemicals complex

to be located in Saudi Arabia.

The heads of agreement contains key principles

of cooperation that will form the basis for the companies

to establish a joint venture,

if the joint study reaches a positive conclusion.

Derived from improved refining technology,

the crude oil-to-chemicals process will involve

innovative configurations

with proven conversion technologies.

This will create a fully integrated petrochemical complex

which maximizes chemical yield, transforms

and recycles by-products, dr0ives efficiencies of scale

and resource optimization and

diversifies the petrochemical feedstock mix

in the Kingdom.

Consistent with

the  Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Vision 2030 goals,

this project will provide new opportunities toward

creating a  world leading downstream sector

in Saudi Arabia, built on four key drivers:

* maximizing value from the Kingdom’s crude oil production

   via vertical and horizontal integration

   across the hydrocarbon chain;

* enabling the creation of conversion industries

   that produce semi-finished and finished goods

   to help diversify the economy;

* developing advanced technologies and innovation;

* and, enabling the Kingdom’s sustainable development

   in alignment with

   the Kingdom’s National Transformation Program.

Amin H. Nasser 

Saudi Aramco president and CEO

“Our agreement with SABIC reflects

 our vision to build on

 Saudi Arabia’s global leadership in

 crude oil production and commodities export

 by substantially increasing

 the production of oil-based petrochemicals and

 further optimizing value across

 the entire hydrocarbons chain.

 This agreement will help spur

 a new era of industrial diversification, job creation

 and technology development in Saudi Arabia,

 particularly through downstream conversion

 of specialty chemicals

 by small and medium sized enterprises.”

Yousef Abdullah Al-Benyan

SABIC vice chairman and CEO

“By working together to deliver Chemistry that

 Matters™, SABIC and Saudi Aramco can drive advances

 that will diversify the Kingdom’s feedstock mix

 and make oil a viable petrochemical feedstock.

 We are hopeful that our agreement

 to conduct a joint feasibility study

 on the development of

 an integrated crude oil-to-chemicals complex

 in Saudi Arabia will ultimately lead to

 a new era for the Kingdom,

 driving strong economic growth,

 creating many new opportunities

 for aspiring young Saudis, and playing a significant role

 in the Kingdom’s economic transformation. 



Tags : Saudi Aramco and Sabic sign head of agreement for feasibility study on crude oil-to-chemicals complex in Saudi Arabia_by chemwinfo


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พื้นที่โฆษณา  โทร. 08-3199-2888

พื้นที่โฆษณา  โทร. 08-3199-2888

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