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LANXESS strengthens global production network for flame retardants Investments of around EUR 200 million until 2021, by chemwinfo

LANXESS strengthens global production network for flame retardants Investments of around EUR 200 million until 2021, by chemwinfo

7 December 2018



LANXESS plans to strengthen its global asset base

for flame retardant additives

with investments of around EUR 200 million

over the next three years.

The company runs

a strongly backward integrated production network

for bromine and phosphorous based flame retardants

with plants in

* the U.S. (Charleston, El Dorado, Greensboro),

* Germany (Leverkusen, Krefeld-Uerdingen),

* France (Épierre) and

* the United Kingdom (Manchester). 

LANXESS has significantly expanded its market position

for flame retardant additives after integrating

the former Chemtura businesses

with brominated flame retardant additives,

bromine and bromine derivatives.

Due to their high effectiveness, these substances

are used among others in the construction industry

and were an ideal complement for

the already existing LANXESS business

with phosphorus-based flame retardant additives.

LANXESS offers with its Disflamoll® range different halogen free flame retardants

with excellent compatibility with polar polymers.

Disflamoll® DPK (Cresyl diphenyl phosphate):

Flame retardant with plasticizing properties for PVC.

Imparts good saponification resistance to PVC compounds

along with impoved resistance to extraction by fat, oils and cerosene.       

Disflamoll® DPO (2-Ethylhexyl diphenyl phosphate):

Flame retardant with plasticizing properties for PVC, NBR and other polar polymers.

Acts as a smoke supressant, imparts low temperature resistance

and light fastness to PVC compounds.       

Disflamoll® TKP (Tricresyl phosphate):

Flame retardant with plasticizing properties for PVC, phenolic resins, synthetic rubber

and other polar polymers. Low volatility, good gelling behaviour

and good thermal stability in PVC applications.       

Disflamoll® TKP-P (Tricresyl phosphate):

Flame retardant with plasticizing properties for PVC, phenolic resin,

synthetic rubber and other polar polymers.

Carrier for photo chemicals. Antiwear additive.      

Disflamoll® TOF (Tris-(2-ethylhexyl) phosphate):

Plasticizer with outstanding low temperature flexibility

and flame retardant properties for PVC, PUR, NBR and synthetic rubber.

Can be used as liquid substrate for pigments and dyestuffs.       

Disflamoll® TP (Triphenyl phosphate):

Flame retardant for phenolic resins, cellulose esters,

PC/ABS blends and other plastic compounds.

Karsten Job,

Head of the Polymer Additives Business at LANXESS 

“With the acquisition of  the U.S. company Chemtura

 in spring 2017 we became

 one of the world’s leading suppliers of flame retardant additives.

 With the investment package we will further strenghten

 our strong position in this growing market,” 



Corporate Communications

50569 Cologne



Frank Grodzki

Frank Grodzki

Head of General Press and Trade & Technical Press

Phone +49 221 8885-4043

Michael Fahrig

Michael Fahrig

Spokesperson Trade & Technical Press

Phone +49 221 8885-5041


Tags : LANXESS  strengthens  global  production  network  for  flame  retardants  Investments  of  around  EUR  200  million  until  2021  by  chemwinfo


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