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Circular economy, Sabic signs a MOU with Plastic Energy Limited for supply of recycled feedstock produced from the recycling of low quality, mixed plastic waste otherwise destined for incineration or landfill, by chemwinfo

Circular economy, Sabic signs a MOU with Plastic Energy Limited for supply of recycled feedstock produced from the recycling of low quality, mixed plastic waste otherwise destined for incineration or landfill, by chemwinfo

6 December 2018




  • Creation of a circular economy of plastic (Plastic2Plastic)
    by diverting plastic waste away
    from landfills and our oceans

  • Reduce the dependence of countries
    on fossil fuel imports

  • Support countries in reaching recycling targets, 
    reduce CO2 footprint,
    and reach international sustainability goals

  • Boost local economies and communities
    through the creation of new jobs

We offer a global solution to help everyone

prevent plastic pollution, by transforming

previously unrecyclable plastic waste

into a valuable resource.

Our patented, low carbon footprint technology

converts valueless plastic waste into alternative fuels,

or oil (TACOIL) for making new virgin (foodsafe) plastics,

closing the plastic loop

and creating a circular economy.

A Global Company

Waste plastic is a global concern and Plastic Energy

is able to adapt to fit local requirements,

simultaneously working with international and local partners

to efficiently expand the technology worldwide

to help prevent plastic pollution.

The use of plastics has increased twentyfold

in the past half-century and is expected

to double in the next 20 years.

Although some of this plastic can be mechanically recycled,

a large portion is composed of contaminated

and low-value plastics that cannot and end up

being incinerated, buried in landfills, or polluting our oceans.

We are the only technology which can process

and convert end-of-life or contaminated plastics

that no-one else can.

Modular plants

Plastic Energy's modular plants can be built anywhere

and integrate with existing infrastructure and processes.

Industry leaders

We are the global leader in chemical plastic recycling

with proven, scalable patented technology

and the capability of successfully

and continously processing plastics.

Patented technology

Our UK based team of technology specialists

have over 50 years' combined experience developing

the patented thermal anaerobic technology (TAC) process,

converting valueless plastic waste into to oil

and back into virgin plastic,

suitable for foodsafe use (Plastic2Plastic).


We are benchmarking our plants in Seville and Almeria

and always looking for ways to improve production

in a ground-breaking and environmentally friendly way.

Plastic Energy LTD Contact


Innovation Centre 
Here East London E20 3BS


+ 44 203 146 4967


SABIC has today announced

it has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU)

with UK-based PLASTIC ENERGY Ltd.,

a pioneer in chemical plastics recycling,

for the supply of feedstock

to support SABIC’s petrochemical operations in Europe.

SABIC and PLASTIC ENERGY intend to build

a first commercial plant in the Netherlands

to refine and upgrade a valuable feedstock,

known as TACOIL,

a patented PLASTIC ENERGY product,

which will be produced from the recycling of

low quality, mixed plastic waste otherwise

destined for incineration or landfill.

The plant, which is anticipated

to enter commercial production in 2021,

is a significant milestone for SABIC

towards the company’s commitment

to establishing a circular economy

and, more broadly, its sustainability goals.

PLASTIC ENERGY has successfully commercialised

a patented thermochemical conversion technology

to convert a wide range of end-of-life, dirty

and contaminated plastics, hardly recyclable

for conven-tional processes, into usable feedstock.

Plastics are melted in an oxygen free environment

and then broken down into synthetic oils

at which point the oils need to be refined and upgraded

as feedstock for traditional petrochemical uses.

Frank Kuijpers,

General Manager for Corporate Sustainability, SABIC 

“Sustainability is a core value at SABIC

 and the circular economy is a cornerstone of our strategy

 as evidenced by this unique agreement”

“SABIC is proud to be the first petrochemical company

 to implement a project

 for the chemical recycling of challenging plastic waste

 into feedstock for steam crackers.

 This exciting project is testament to our commitment

 to scale up advanced chemical recycling processes

 of plastics back to the original polymer."

Carlos Monreal,


“We are delighted to be working with SABIC

 on this exciting project

 to support their petrochemical operations in Europe”,

“We have already two industrial plants in Spain

 operating 24/7 and a technology team

 with more than 10 years of experience

 developing this patented technology.

 Our advanced expertise will promote this new opportunity

 to turn plastic back into plastic

 as part of the circular economy.”



Tags : Circular  economy TACOIL  Sabic  signs  a  MOU  with  Plastic  Energy  Limited  for  supply  of  recycled  feedstock  produced  from  the  recycling  of  low  quality  mixed  plastic  waste  otherwise  destined  for  incineration  or  landfill  by  chemwi


พื้นที่โฆษณา  โทร. 08-1625-1625
พื้นที่โฆษณา  โทร. 08-3199-2888

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พื้นที่โฆษณา  โทร. 08-3199-2888

พื้นที่โฆษณา  โทร. 08-3199-2888

พื้นที่โฆษณา  โทร. 08-3199-2888

พื้นที่โฆษณา  โทร. 08-3199-2888

พื้นที่โฆษณา  โทร. 08-3199-2888

พื้นที่โฆษณา  โทร. 08-3199-2888

พื้นที่โฆษณา  โทร. 08-3199-2888

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